Month: May 2012

  • I’m Not Getting Into An Argument About Musical Preferences

    Some things in this world used to be really important to me; now I have new priorities. Some churches have a cool band to lead worship. Some do straight up hymns with a full choir & orchestra (I worked at a church that did this really well in their earlier service). Some will try an unfortunate blend of everything…

  • Success Ain’t What It Used To Be

    Some things in this world used to be really important to me; now I have new priorities. I used to believe that the more I did what God wanted, the more “opportunity” He would give me. The problem is this is only kind of true. He does tend to give me opportunities more and more.…

  • I’m Not Here To Impress You

    Some things in this world used to be really important to me; now I have new priorities. Life is no video game. I’m not scoring points or gaining levels and special abilities as I go. I’ve learned that as a pastor, there is a temptation to have something more impressive to say, or claim, or…

  • I Don’t Care if I Fit In

    Some things in this world used to be really important to me; now I have new priorities. I spent so much of my life stuck in a proverbial “Costume Party” trying to wear the right philosophical outfit in front of the right people. I’m me. I’m working continuously to be conformed to the image of Christ, and…