Category: Engage Culture

  • The Bible: How Should We Use It?

    We have already discussed What the Bible is, how is was written, and who decided which books were in (and out). Now we can get practical: What’s the point? Now that we have an ancient book, how on earth do we use it? Here are some best practices for how to relate the Bible to…

  • The Bible: Who Decided What Was Scripture?

    This is an incredibly oversimplified explanation, which leaves out most of the scholarly debate and hard work done by generations of great minds. I stand behind everything you’re about to read, though it is not an academic treatise and truly leaves out many of the debates and research that got us here. It is a…

  • The Bible: How Was It Written?

    We’ve discussed what the Bible is, now we’ll touch on how it was written. Direct Revelation. This has to do with those instances where God speaks audibly, literally and directly to one of the writers in Scripture. A specific example of this would be found in the book of Revelation, where God tells the Apostle…

  • The Bible: What Is It?

    The Bible is a centerpiece of Christianity. As Christians, we believe all the words contained in the Bible are true. The Bible is the source of all Christian doctrine, including how we qualify many pastors and leaders, as well as for the personal growth of every individual’s faith. As Christians working to share the message…

  • Quote of the Week: C.H. Spurgeon

    “If you are to go to Christ, do not put on your good doings and feelings, or you will get nothing; go in your sins, they are your livery. Your ruin is your argument for mercy; your poverty is your plea for heavenly alms; and your need is the motive for heavenly goodness. Go as…

  • How To Follow Up With Guests At Church

    We all know how important our greeters are on Sunday mornings. That’s our front door. But following up with those same guests in a meaningful way is just as important. Not every church has a great follow-up strategy in place, and even the best can always get better. Our main mission as the church is to…

  • How To Greet Guests

    Here are some best practices when greeting guests. Start in the parking lot. Many churches already have a team outside directing traffic and serving as de facto crossing guards for families and slow movers that need to make it safely from their vehicles to the front door. These folks should be incredibly friendly, wave at…

  • Social Media and Leaders: HOW (3 of 3)

    I’ve already made the case WHY leaders need to utilize social media, and WHO specifically needs to be representing their organization. Chances are, you comprehend the WHY and understand that the YOU is well, you. Let’s talk about how to get started. This isn’t going to make you an expert, but it will help you start…

  • Social Media and Leaders: WHO (2 of 3)

    Start Here: Right now, you have an audience. And someone is most likely representing your organization simply by showing up on social media. Is it an employee? Is it a customer? A church member? Or is it a disgruntled former manager/whatever? You have an audience, and someone is communicating with them. Key leaders in your…

  • Social Media And Leaders: Why (1 of 3)

    Leaders should take advantage of Social Media to connect with others and engage the culture. Tomorrow I’ll talk about WHO really matters in the public eye in relation to your organization. And finally I’ll discuss HOW to utilize social media. But today, I’ll tell you WHY: Because most people are using social media to connect…