Tag: follow up

  • Your Assimilation Process: Serving Together (5 of 5)

    (This series has been updated and expanded upon here: The Five Elements of a Fully Implemented Connections Strategy) The ministries of our churches exist to make disciples of all people everywhere. Incredibly, so few churches have a comprehensive strategy to connect the very guests that walk into our buildings to the ministries that exist for…

  • Your Assimilation Process: Connecting in Community (4 of 5)

    (This series has been updated and expanded upon here: The Five Elements of a Fully Implemented Connections Strategy) The ministries of our churches exist to make disciples of all people everywhere. Incredibly, so few churches have a comprehensive strategy to connect the very guests that walk into our buildings to the ministries that exist for…

  • Your Assimilation Process: Guest Follow-Up (3 of 5)

      The ministries of our churches exist to make disciples of all people everywhere. Incredibly, so few churches have a comprehensive strategy to connect the very guests that walk into our buildings to the ministries that exist for them! This series breaks down the five essential elements every church much bring together to build a…

  • How To Follow Up With Guests At Church

    We all know how important our greeters are on Sunday mornings. That’s our front door. But following up with those same guests in a meaningful way is just as important. Not every church has a great follow-up strategy in place, and even the best can always get better. Our main mission as the church is to…