Get It Together: You Don’t Have To Be Late
Yesterday I laid out what we communicate to others when we are late. Today I’m encouraging you to take steps to manage life like a boss. Maybe even like your boss. Unless your boss is this guy. Pick a calendar that works for you. Everyone has a smartphone now. My iPhone has a calendar function…
Get It Together: Are You Always Late?
I hate being late. I hate it because it portrays a lack of concern on my end for the person or meeting I am late for. I wasn’t always like this. I used to approach life moment to moment in the era before iPhones and Social Media. Along the way, I learned some huge lessons…
The Epitome of Dysfunction
Recently celebrity chef Gordon Ramsey’s show Kitchen Nightmares featured a restaurant in Arizona run by a husband and wife team. On the surface, the restaurant looked like a classy place, but inside it was full of unbalanced emotion and dysfunction. Dysfunction. We hear that word all the time at conferences, in books, and blogs. But…
Things That Didn’t Used To Matter But Now Do, Part 2
Here is my second installment of “Things That Didn’t Matter To Me That Now Do (Part 2).” For a complete picture, you also need to see Part 1, and Part 3 as well as my Top 10 List of Things I Don’t Care About Anymore (Part 1 and Part 2). 2. Sleep: Two kids will do that to you. As…