This is the second of five chapters in a 25 part blog series titled: The Five Elements of a Fully Implemented Connections Strategy, published over a five week period. Everything I have posted here is the result of my own personal experiences, from serving on church staffs, volunteering as a lay leader, and being brought in as a paid consultant. It is my hope that these posts will help you and your church get better at connecting with guests, not simply to increase your attendance and membership, but ultimately to grow the body of Christ. Implementing a Connections strategy (or “Assimilation” strategy) is a long term process, and one that relies on a culture of continual improvement. This chapter has five entries, which will all be linked below the post as they are published.

2.4 Guest Services: The Guest Packet
What are the few pieces of information every guest has to hold in their hands? What are the most important things you want to communicate about your church?
Put these together, and create a very light and easy to read guest packet. It can be on a single page, in an envelope, a travel mug, a small plastic bag, or whatever better new idea you have.
Here’s a good list of materials to give to guests:
- a description of core ministries
- a free coupon for a drink if your church has a café
- a guest card or connect card or (gasp) visitor slip or whatever you call it
- a branded item like a pen or wristband.
- NOTE: Time sensitive promotional materials for seasonal events can be given out with the guest packets, but I don’t recommend placing them inside because it makes it difficult to keep up to date that way.
What are you currently giving your guests?
2.5 Guest Signage: Smart Signage
Main Series Page: The Five Elements of a Fully Implemented Connections Strategy
Element Two: Guest Services
2.2 Guest Services: Central Location
2.3 Guest Services: Your Materials