Tag: choices

  • Grace is Everything

    I need Grace. I need it every day. I need Grace from God, and I need it at times from people. I need Grace because I’m an imperfect person who makes mistakes, even when I’m trying hard not to. God has provided me Grace through Jesus Christ, that in spite of all I have done…

  • Some Resolutions

    You went back to work today and realized you never made any New Year’s Resolutions. You’ve listened to the coworkers who dropped money on gym memberships they won’t use, you heard big talk about diets when you know they’re going to hit Mighty Taco or Chik-fil-A next Tuesday, but still you’re wondering if you should have…

  • It Doesn’t Always Make Sense…

    I recently started a new reading plan on my phone’s YouVersion app (which I highly recommend). While reading about Moses in Exodus, a familiar story stood out to me: “Whenever Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed, and whenever he lowered his hand, Amalek prevailed. But Moses’ hands grew weary, so they took a stone and put it under…

  • Radical Grace

    I need God’s grace every day. Not just for God to overlook a couple missteps, but radical Grace to cover every thought, motive, and action. But God knew that. Jesus, dying on the cross and rising from the grave, not only changed my eternal outcome but also provides hope to live each day. My hope…

  • How will I glorify God with the cards I’ve been dealt?

    This is a somewhat abridged transcript of a sermon I preached 9/2 titled: “How will I glorify God despite the cards I’ve been dealt?” I’m leaning heavily on some inspiring work already done by such names like the Apostle Paul, Martin Luther, CS Lewis, John Piper, and Pastor Mark Driscoll, as well as a fantastic…

  • When God Overrules Bad Decisions

    When God overrules bad decisions, don’t make an equally bad choice as your next decision. I was in a hurry because I needed to use lunchtime for my haircut. I knew all the dangers, all the statistics, and yet I still made a bad choice I knew I would regret: I pulled into the McDonalds parking lot.…

  • Life is Fragile

    Life is Fragile. I’m reminded of that all the time, so apparently I’d better remember this. On Monday I took my 37 weeks pregnant wife to the hospital, because she fell down a flight of stairs. I found her lying face down at the bottom of the stairs after hearing a loud noise while I…

  • Live Your Legacy

    My Aunt died late this summer. I flew up to Western New York with my entire family to attend and speak at the wake, funeral, and gravesite ceremony. We told personal stories, laughed a lot, and shared a few days together as an extended family. Her legacy? As I said from the stage, she would fight…