Tag: gospel

  • We’re Moving to Dallas and Joining the Staff Family at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship

    After a very prayerful and thorough search, Jennifer and I are blessed with the opportunity to join the staff family at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship in 2014. After some very positive conversations with Pastor Pete Briscoe and Zach Lambert, we prayerfully accepted the opportunity to join the Pastoral Launching Pad at Bent Tree as a…

  • The Bible: How Should We Use It?

    We have already discussed What the Bible is, how is was written, and who decided which books were in (and out). Now we can get practical: What’s the point? Now that we have an ancient book, how on earth do we use it? Here are some best practices for how to relate the Bible to…

  • The Bible: Who Decided What Was Scripture?

    This is an incredibly oversimplified explanation, which leaves out most of the scholarly debate and hard work done by generations of great minds. I stand behind everything you’re about to read, though it is not an academic treatise and truly leaves out many of the debates and research that got us here. It is a…

  • Quote of the Week: C.H. Spurgeon

    “If you are to go to Christ, do not put on your good doings and feelings, or you will get nothing; go in your sins, they are your livery. Your ruin is your argument for mercy; your poverty is your plea for heavenly alms; and your need is the motive for heavenly goodness. Go as…

  • Zombies vs… The Zombie Apocalypse Explained

    Sometimes life seems like the screenplay to a zombie movie. Don’t act like it doesn’t. We go through our lives, struggling to survive, hoping to accumulate as much stuff as we can and make it through the night to live another day. The world around us can seem harsh and cold, filled with people only…

  • Stay Bitter? This Happens

    If you never forgive, and wish only for others to “get what they deserve” you will be just like Jonah. Jonah lives on through history in a very short story in the Bible as the example of how terrible and destructive bitterness can be, and how God will still accomplish his purposes without you while…

  • Zombies vs. The Zombie Apocalypse

    Sometimes life seems like the screenplay to a zombie movie. Don’t act like it doesn’t. We go through our lives, struggling to survive, hoping to accumulate as much stuff as we can and make it through the night to live another day. The world around us can seem harsh and cold, filled with people only…

  • There Is Always Hope

    The following is part of an ongoing crowdsourced sermon I’ve been developing using my own life experiences and the feedback of others on Facebook and twitter. It’s all about what to do when we have no answers. The introduction can be found here, and the second section is here. There is always hope. It is entirely possible…

  • How will I glorify God with the cards I’ve been dealt?

    This is a somewhat abridged transcript of a sermon I preached 9/2 titled: “How will I glorify God despite the cards I’ve been dealt?” I’m leaning heavily on some inspiring work already done by such names like the Apostle Paul, Martin Luther, CS Lewis, John Piper, and Pastor Mark Driscoll, as well as a fantastic…

  • Making Waves

    If you get in the water, you make waves. Ask anyone who’s ever been at a pool party while three college guys do a coordinated stealth attack featuring belly flops, a canon ball, and that weak upright and indecisive jump into the water we’ve all seen people do. Ask anyone who’s been fishing in a small…