Tag: humanity

  • Rain or Shine

    Mondays are always better when the sun is shining bright. The morning commute seems so much easier when the sky is clear and the traffic is moving. It doesn’t always happen that way, but life is a “Rain or Shine” event. Whether your life is like a beach vacation or a things are a little…

  • It Started Well…

    It started so well that it is hard to understand how it came to this. One day people were calling Him a king and a few days later they were content to send Him to the executioner. What a week Jesus had. When he first entered the city, He was welcomed with cheers and praise:…

  • Zombies vs… The Zombie Apocalypse Explained

    Sometimes life seems like the screenplay to a zombie movie. Don’t act like it doesn’t. We go through our lives, struggling to survive, hoping to accumulate as much stuff as we can and make it through the night to live another day. The world around us can seem harsh and cold, filled with people only…

  • Zombies vs. The Zombie Apocalypse

    Sometimes life seems like the screenplay to a zombie movie. Don’t act like it doesn’t. We go through our lives, struggling to survive, hoping to accumulate as much stuff as we can and make it through the night to live another day. The world around us can seem harsh and cold, filled with people only…

  • The Gospel According to Mass Effect (Spoilers)

    (SPOILER ALERT: If you have any desire whatsoever to play any game from the Mass Effect series, I strongly suggest you DO NOT read any further.)   Say what you want about video games, but the facts are clear: Mass Effect is bigger than many blockbuster movies from sales to fan base. Overlooking the cultural…

  • And He’s Buying a Wormhole to Heaven

    I’m writing in response to recent comments made by Stephen Hawking. I have not the education nor the accolades that Hawking possesses. Please forgive my lack of such credentials, just as I forgive his lack of sound research or academic honesty. Reknowned physicist and uber braniac Stephen Hawking has declared that “heaven” is not real, and…