Tag: leader

  • When Nobody “Likes” You

    It’s rough when nobody “likes” you. Not in the friendship and personal relationships with others sense though… that isn’t what I mean. My blog lost a bunch of “likes” recently. Que the violins… Our website had some technical issues recently that caused me to look more closely at how it was working (or wasn’t). While…

  • Get It Together: You Don’t Have To Be Late

    Yesterday I laid out what we communicate to others when we are late. Today I’m encouraging you to take steps to manage life like a boss. Maybe even like your boss. Unless your boss is this guy. Pick a calendar that works for you. Everyone has a smartphone now. My iPhone has a calendar function…

  • Leadership Lessons from My Dad

    In my experience, strong leadership isn’t something that we learn in a lecture or a classroom. It is something we develop through our experiences, challenges, and the examples of others. Some people are a great example of strong leadership, while others are equally valuable to observe for the benefit of seeing the effects of poor…

  • My Priorities

    Over the years I have settled on some priorities in life that enable me to continuously grow as a husband, dad, and leader. My hope is that every man would consider these priorities to lead well in his family. I understand we all have different personalities and relationship dynamics. Not all men are “Type A” outgoing…

  • Five Leaders I WANT To Follow

    I love spending time mentoring and getting to know young leaders. They inspire me, excite me, and keep me from getting too old. They aren’t perfect and yet are generally very receptive to advice and new ideas. I feel better about myself and the future when I am spending time with young leaders. I’m a…

  • Things That Didn’t Used To Matter But Now Do, Part 3

    Here is my third installment of “Things That Didn’t Matter To Me That Now Do (Part 3).” For a complete picture, you also need to see Part 1 and Part 2, as well as my Top 10 List of Things I Don’t Care About Anymore (Part 1 and Part 2). 4. Mercy: I’m so different than I used to be, I really…

  • Things That Didn’t Used To Matter But Now Do, Part 1

    Here is my first installment of “Things That Didn’t Matter To Me That Now Do (Part 1, Part 2,  Part 3).” For a complete picture, you also need to see my Top 10 List of Things I Don’t Care About Anymore (Part 1 and Part 2). 1. Consensus: This is mostly for my American audience, as we share…

  • Live Your Legacy

    My Aunt died late this summer. I flew up to Western New York with my entire family to attend and speak at the wake, funeral, and gravesite ceremony. We told personal stories, laughed a lot, and shared a few days together as an extended family. Her legacy? As I said from the stage, she would fight…

  • Who am I investing in?

    Training up new leaders is an essential part of what I do. When I stand before God someday and own all of my life decisions, I will be more concerned with how well I molded future pastors and leaders rather than how many people I got to sit together in a room once a week. A…