Tag: people

  • The Do’s and Don’ts of Small Groups (Full Version)

    My readers provided some very positive feedback about my previous series “The Do’s and Don’ts of Small Groups” so here are all five blog entries in one, single location.  The Do’s and Don’ts of Small Groups: DON’T: Share everybody’s personal information. When I friend you on Facebook, it doesn’t mean I want to buy Pampered Chef…

  • Do’s And Don’ts of Small Groups (5 of 5)

    The Do’s and Don’ts of Small Groups: DON’T: Assume childcare is no big deal. The absolute dumbest thing you can do is claim small groups (or any other meeting for that matter) are essential and vital to your mission, and follow up with the phrase “childcare will not be provided.” Childcare is a really big…

  • Do’s And Don’ts of Small Groups (4 of 5)

    The Do’s and Don’ts of Small Groups: DON’T: Make your small group into its own church. Your small group is the front line of your church disciple making strategy; it is not a separate entity. If you really believe your church is on the wrong track unless you do certain things against the church’s wishes…

  • That’s Great, But…

    Some things in this world used to be really important to me; now I have new priorities. So you hate this guy’s tattoos or that guy’s hair. So what? So you’re convinced that every accomplished Greek Scholar at Dallas Theological Seminary is wrong and misread the Bible when it said Jesus made wine and not…

  • I’m NOT Arguing With These People Anymore

    Some things in this world used to be really important to me; now I have new priorities. I get email from a lot of people. Occasionally I get email from some really weird people. I’ve read email demanding I convert to another religion, email about our music, email about how we should or shouldn’t do things from strangers, and…

  • Five Leaders You Should NOT Follow

    We’ve talked all about Five Leaders I Want to Follow. So let’s recap. I love spending time mentoring and getting to know young leaders. They inspire me, excite me, and keep me from getting too old. They aren’t perfect and yet are generally very receptive to advice and new ideas. I feel better about myself…

  • Five Leaders I WANT To Follow

    I love spending time mentoring and getting to know young leaders. They inspire me, excite me, and keep me from getting too old. They aren’t perfect and yet are generally very receptive to advice and new ideas. I feel better about myself and the future when I am spending time with young leaders. I’m a…