Tag: Redemption

  • Colossians: Week Three

      We Are Free In Christ: Because of Who He Is, And What He Has Done Every year I take my entire family to our city’s Saint Patrick’s Day parade. We dress up in green, bring some snacks and watch the parade floats go by, occasionally catching free goodies they throw into the crowd. I…

  • Colossians: Week Two

    Jesus is our Hope, Now and Forever. Last week we began our way through the Book of Colossians to answer the Question: “What Does God Want From Me?” Since our first evening together in Colossians, we have seen headlines that include the words “Ebola” and my home “Frisco, TX” in the same sentence, as well…

  • Colossians: The Most Important Thing You’ll Ever Read

    The Most Important Thing You’ll Ever Read If you had a chance to tell a complete stranger the most important thing to know for their daily life, what would it be? This actually happened. The Apostle Paul had one shot to tell a group of people everything they would need to know… and he flat…

  • Quote of the Week: C.H. Spurgeon

    “If you are to go to Christ, do not put on your good doings and feelings, or you will get nothing; go in your sins, they are your livery. Your ruin is your argument for mercy; your poverty is your plea for heavenly alms; and your need is the motive for heavenly goodness. Go as…

  • Quote Of The Week: Bono Talks About Jesus

    “The point of the death of Christ is that Christ took on the sins of the world, so that what we put out did not come back to us, and that our sinful nature does not reap the obvious death. That’s the point. It should keep us humbled . It’s not our own good works…

  • Good Friday: What Jesus Did

    Good Friday is the global celebration of what Jesus did by dying on the cross for humanity. But we taught our kids the whole story, that the grave of Jesus is empty, and that He overcame sin and death. They’re learning that Justice and Mercy were fully served by God forever in His death and…

  • It Started Well…

    It started so well that it is hard to understand how it came to this. One day people were calling Him a king and a few days later they were content to send Him to the executioner. What a week Jesus had. When he first entered the city, He was welcomed with cheers and praise:…

  • Zombies vs… The Zombie Apocalypse Explained

    Sometimes life seems like the screenplay to a zombie movie. Don’t act like it doesn’t. We go through our lives, struggling to survive, hoping to accumulate as much stuff as we can and make it through the night to live another day. The world around us can seem harsh and cold, filled with people only…

  • Zombies vs. The Zombie Apocalypse

    Sometimes life seems like the screenplay to a zombie movie. Don’t act like it doesn’t. We go through our lives, struggling to survive, hoping to accumulate as much stuff as we can and make it through the night to live another day. The world around us can seem harsh and cold, filled with people only…