Jesus is our Hope, Now and Forever.
Last week we began our way through the Book of Colossians to answer the Question: “What Does God Want From Me?”
Since our first evening together in Colossians, we have seen headlines that include the words “Ebola” and my home “Frisco, TX” in the same sentence, as well as more bad news about NFL players, ISIS atrocities, and even silly predictions that the Dallas Cowboys will keep winning games this year. I’m not going to jump on THAT bandwagon…
How are we supposed to deal with everything going on around us? Panic? Blow it off? Blame it on the Republicans? The Democrats? Join us this week as we continue our series, and learn what it means to place all of our trust in Christ in light of everything else happening in our world. Jesus is our Hope, now and forever.
I cannot wait to open up the Book of Colossians with you. Will you join me? We have just six Thursday nights to learn what it was that Paul considered the most important thing you’ll ever read.
Thursday October 2 (Week 1) Colossians 1:1 – 14; Jesus Rescues and Restores
Thursday October 9 (Week 2) Colossians 1:15 – 2:5; Jesus is Our Hope, Now and Forever
Thursday October 16 (Week 3) Colossians 2:6 – 15; Jesus Changes Our Identity.
Thursday October 23 (Week 4) Colossians 2:16 – 23; Jesus Freed Us From All Those Rules.
Thursday October 30 (Week 5) Colossians 3:1 – 17; Set your mind on Jesus.
Thursday November 6 (Week 6) Colossians 4:2 – 6; Live In Grace, Wisely.