Tag: unity

  • Five Questions We Should All Answer In Light Of #Dallas

    I’m not writing an opinion piece or a political article here. Nor is this is a religious message or an anti-religious one. These are simply five questions I’ve asked myself in the last 24 hours as I’ve sorted out how to respond to the violence taking place in our society. These are five questions that…

  • Quote of the Week: Bill Parcells

    “Losers assemble in little groups, and complain about the coaches and the players in other little groups… but winners assemble as a team.” -Bills Parcells NFL Hall of Fame Speech 8/3/13   For other “Quote of the Week” entries, CLICK HERE

  • Stay Bitter? This Happens

    If you never forgive, and wish only for others to “get what they deserve” you will be just like Jonah. Jonah lives on through history in a very short story in the Bible as the example of how terrible and destructive bitterness can be, and how God will still accomplish his purposes without you while…