Tag: death

  • Quote Of The Week: Bono Talks About Jesus

    “The point of the death of Christ is that Christ took on the sins of the world, so that what we put out did not come back to us, and that our sinful nature does not reap the obvious death. That’s the point. It should keep us humbled . It’s not our own good works…

  • Jesus Overcame Death

    Jesus overcame death. Remember this. Remember this… When the weekend ends, and you go to bed on a Sunday night dreading Monday morning. When you wait in the ice cream line forever… and it falls off your cone and on the hot pavement. When someone tells a lie to knock you down in the eyes…

  • Good Friday: What Jesus Did

    Good Friday is the global celebration of what Jesus did by dying on the cross for humanity. But we taught our kids the whole story, that the grave of Jesus is empty, and that He overcame sin and death. They’re learning that Justice and Mercy were fully served by God forever in His death and…

  • It Started Well…

    It started so well that it is hard to understand how it came to this. One day people were calling Him a king and a few days later they were content to send Him to the executioner. What a week Jesus had. When he first entered the city, He was welcomed with cheers and praise:…

  • Live Your Legacy

    My Aunt died late this summer. I flew up to Western New York with my entire family to attend and speak at the wake, funeral, and gravesite ceremony. We told personal stories, laughed a lot, and shared a few days together as an extended family. Her legacy? As I said from the stage, she would fight…

  • And He’s Buying a Wormhole to Heaven

    I’m writing in response to recent comments made by Stephen Hawking. I have not the education nor the accolades that Hawking possesses. Please forgive my lack of such credentials, just as I forgive his lack of sound research or academic honesty. Reknowned physicist and uber braniac Stephen Hawking has declared that “heaven” is not real, and…

  • Elemental: (4 of 4) We Follow & Obey

      Elemental: We Follow & Obey (4 of 4) This is not a three step process to Spiritual Growth. It is simply identifying three necessary elements that are present in any life that is growing in relationship to Jesus Christ.   Obedience… …According to God’s Word Luke 4:1-13 Jesus resisted temptation while quoting the Scripture…

  • Elemental (3 of 4) We Pray (con’t)

    Our relationship with our own dad affects the way we relate to God. As discussed in our previous blog post, Jesus the Son called out to God the Father using the term “Abba” which roughly translates to the word “daddy” in the same way my son calls to me. Each of us have our own…

  • Elemental: (2 of 4) We Pray…

    People ask me for things every day. They want my time, my ideas, my permission, my money, my connections, my help, my endorsement, and at times even my forgiveness. There are more voices asking for things than I have time to provide. Therefore, I have to judge carefully and make decisions about who I hear…

  • Elemental (1 of 4): We Read

    The following entry has been reposted and edited, and is part of a four part series called “Elemental: The Elements of Spiritual Life.” It is a reflection of what I have learned over time as necessary components to a growing Christian life. It is not an all inclusive formula of three steps that when followed will lead…