Category: Life

  • Five Questions We Should All Answer In Light Of #Dallas

    I’m not writing an opinion piece or a political article here. Nor is this is a religious message or an anti-religious one. These are simply five questions I’ve asked myself in the last 24 hours as I’ve sorted out how to respond to the violence taking place in our society. These are five questions that…

  • Adjust Your Eyes

    On October 13, 2010, 33 Chilean miners were rescued after being trapped in a collapsed mine for 69 days. They had been huddled together in a confined space, with minimal light, comfort, and sanitation. After an amazing international effort, they were rescued through a slim shaft cut into the rock where they were buried. Members of the…

  • When Nobody “Likes” You

    It’s rough when nobody “likes” you. Not in the friendship and personal relationships with others sense though… that isn’t what I mean. My blog lost a bunch of “likes” recently. Que the violins… Our website had some technical issues recently that caused me to look more closely at how it was working (or wasn’t). While…

  • Pause To Be Thankful: My Parents

    I have a lot to be thankful for. I come from a tightly knit family that sticks together no matter what, and as time goes on I realize just how rare that can be in this world. I’ve been blessed, while many have grown up in broken homes, full of dysfunction, without the safety and…

  • We’re Moving to Dallas and Joining the Staff Family at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship

    After a very prayerful and thorough search, Jennifer and I are blessed with the opportunity to join the staff family at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship in 2014. After some very positive conversations with Pastor Pete Briscoe and Zach Lambert, we prayerfully accepted the opportunity to join the Pastoral Launching Pad at Bent Tree as a…

  • Remember When Our Daughter Had Spinal Cord Surgery?

    It is hard to believe an entire year has gone by since our most difficult season ever as a family. But it was a full year ago, and God has blessed us immeasurably. The timeless lesson here is to trust God fully, and use every ounce of your strength to honor that trust in every way…

  • Get It Together: You Don’t Have To Be Late

    Yesterday I laid out what we communicate to others when we are late. Today I’m encouraging you to take steps to manage life like a boss. Maybe even like your boss. Unless your boss is this guy. Pick a calendar that works for you. Everyone has a smartphone now. My iPhone has a calendar function…

  • Get It Together: Are You Always Late?

    I hate being late. I hate it because it portrays a lack of concern on my end for the person or meeting I am late for. I wasn’t always like this. I used to approach life moment to moment in the era before iPhones and Social Media. Along the way, I learned some huge lessons…

  • How Not To Become A Supervillain

    Sometimes the real world can benefit from examples in pop culture. That’s what this post is all about. The movies of 2013 have brought some classic Supervillains to the big screen. Whether you’re a fan of comic book bad guys like The Mandarin and General Zod, or love you some “KHAAANNNNN!” 2013 has been a…

  • The Epitome of Dysfunction

    Recently celebrity chef Gordon Ramsey’s show Kitchen Nightmares featured a restaurant in Arizona run by a husband and wife team. On the surface, the restaurant looked like a classy place, but inside it was full of unbalanced emotion and dysfunction. Dysfunction. We hear that word all the time at conferences, in books, and blogs. But…