Tag: health

  • Jesus Overcame Death

    Jesus overcame death. Remember this. Remember this… When the weekend ends, and you go to bed on a Sunday night dreading Monday morning. When you wait in the ice cream line forever… and it falls off your cone and on the hot pavement. When someone tells a lie to knock you down in the eyes…

  • You Can Lead The Way

    Consider What You Bring to the Table Isolation is not the goal of a Christian. Our faith is intended to be lived out in community with others. We are not lone monks hiding from the rest of the world, but a community of Christ followers that encourage and inspire others to be Disciples of Jesus. We…

  • Zombies vs. Beauty Sleep

    If there is a zombie in your bedroom, you aren’t going to get much sleep. You can have fleece pajamas, silk sheets, and Ambien, but if there’s a growling zombie taking a bite out of your gluteus maximus, you can forget about your beauty sleep. Sleep is important to your health both physically and mentally.…

  • Wash Your Hands

    I wash my hands a lot because I am a dad, which means I change a lot of diapers and handle food in rapid succession. I realized today that I make the same mistake every time I wash my hands. I turn on the hot water and start rinsing and by the time my hands…