Tag: life

  • Grace is Everything

    I need Grace. I need it every day. I need Grace from God, and I need it at times from people. I need Grace because I’m an imperfect person who makes mistakes, even when I’m trying hard not to. God has provided me Grace through Jesus Christ, that in spite of all I have done…

  • Jesus Overcame Death

    Jesus overcame death. Remember this. Remember this… When the weekend ends, and you go to bed on a Sunday night dreading Monday morning. When you wait in the ice cream line forever… and it falls off your cone and on the hot pavement. When someone tells a lie to knock you down in the eyes…

  • Some Resolutions

    You went back to work today and realized you never made any New Year’s Resolutions. You’ve listened to the coworkers who dropped money on gym memberships they won’t use, you heard big talk about diets when you know they’re going to hit Mighty Taco or Chik-fil-A next Tuesday, but still you’re wondering if you should have…

  • So What?

    Sometimes life throws that home run ball you thought you hit so well… back into the field of play. Sometimes circumstances dictate a different tomorrow, or even a different today than the one you packed your bags for. Sometimes, people make decisions that change the rules of the game you’re playing. 2012 tried all of…

  • Zombies vs. A Happy Home

    In honor of the 12/21 Mayan Apocalypse I give you Zombies vs… a Five week series on the walking dead among us. This series will bring to light the struggle happening in this world between the “Zombies” among us: those walking dead hungry only for the flesh of the living, and the everyday people they…

  • There Is Always Hope

    The following is part of an ongoing crowdsourced sermon I’ve been developing using my own life experiences and the feedback of others on Facebook and twitter. It’s all about what to do when we have no answers. The introduction can be found here, and the second section is here. There is always hope. It is entirely possible…

  • Cling To What You Do Know

    The following is part of an ongoing crowdsourced sermon I’ve been developing using my own life experiences and the feedback of others on Facebook and twitter. It’s all about what to do when we have no answers. The introduction can be found here. It is entirely possible that you may not get all the answers…

  • It Doesn’t Always Make Sense…

    I recently started a new reading plan on my phone’s YouVersion app (which I highly recommend). While reading about Moses in Exodus, a familiar story stood out to me: “Whenever Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed, and whenever he lowered his hand, Amalek prevailed. But Moses’ hands grew weary, so they took a stone and put it under…

  • Leadership Lessons from My Dad

    In my experience, strong leadership isn’t something that we learn in a lecture or a classroom. It is something we develop through our experiences, challenges, and the examples of others. Some people are a great example of strong leadership, while others are equally valuable to observe for the benefit of seeing the effects of poor…

  • Radical Grace

    I need God’s grace every day. Not just for God to overlook a couple missteps, but radical Grace to cover every thought, motive, and action. But God knew that. Jesus, dying on the cross and rising from the grave, not only changed my eternal outcome but also provides hope to live each day. My hope…